Our Chapter covers the state of Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Each year, we try to schedule member fly-outs
to visit airports across our area…
Check out our Calendar, and see when we will be in your area.
We would be happy to hold a meeting in your area, just contact us kentuckybluegrass@ncs99s.org.
Recent Member Achievements:
Congratulations to the new KY Bluegrass Chapter Chairs, from left to right:
Terri Donner (Treasurer), Louise Bornwasser (Secretary), Amy Bogardus (Vice Chair), and Emily Herron (Chair).
Congratulations to the Michiana Redbirds Classic #1- KY Bluegrass, Sue Glisson and Indiana Dunes, Margaret Wint for placing 9th place overall! They also won the Ninety-Nines trophy for the fastest 99’s team on the ninth leg of the race!
Congratulations to Emily Herron on making the cover of Aviation for Women Magazine! She is also featured on the AOPA Instagram spotlight and will be speaking at Oshkosh in 2022!
Congratulations Karyn Ranzau on passing her Commercial written and later passing her Commercial check ride!
Congratulations to Olivia Parmenter on passing her Private Pilot Checkride on June 28, 2022. She is a recent recipient of the FIRST WINGS Spring 2022 Award. She learned to fly in the Prosser School of Technology program, where she got her first 10 hours of flight time for free. She completed the written and check ride milestones in the FIRST WINGS program.
Olivia will go to Purdue Fall 2022 in the Professional Pilot Program.
Congratulations to Kacy Thompson on passing her Private Pilot Checkride! Kacy won the FIRST WINGS scholarship in the Spring of 2021.
Congratulations to Brynne Moseley for passing her SEL Commercial rating! She plans to continue her training and earn her multi engine rating!
Congratulations to Karyn Ranzau, who executed her First Solo flight in January 2022, for passing her Instrument, Instrument Ground Instructor, and Flight Instructor Instrument written tests! She is also the fall winner of the First Flight Scholarship from the Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Program!
Congratulations to Kaye Moore for receiving the Master Pilot Award!
Congratulations to Liz Dicus who recently passed her IFR written exam and is proceeding to an accelerated flight training program in Kissimmee, FL. Good luck Liz!
Well ladies….Stephanie Crask finally DID IT! February 2nd she got her commercial fixed wing add on, February 17th she got her airplane instrument add on, and March 1st she finished her CFI initial for airplanes. She will be working on her CFII next.
Let’s go fly!!! Anyone need a CFI or need a biannual flight review let me know !
Congratulations to the 2020 Ky Bluegrass 99’s Chapter Scholarship Recipients:
1st: Kristena Cook
2nd: Hayley Haning
3rd: Brynne Moseley
Congratulations to Terri Donner!